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How Tuckpointing Repairs Mortar Joints: Brick Repair MI

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Brick siding is very low maintenance. The bricks themselves can last a lifetime with very little maintenance. The mortar in between the bricks is another story though. It is not made to be as strong as the bricks, and it can start to crack in 10-20 years. Thankfully, there is a simple process that can repair and replace mortar joints without disrupting the bricks.

In this guide, we will take a closer look at tuckpointing mortar joints and how you can benefit from this process.

What Is Tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing is the process of removing the surface-level mortar around your brick and replacing it with new mortar. This strengthens the support around the bricks so they do not get damaged later on. Tuckpointing will also make your brick siding look fresh and new, which will enhance your curb appeal and increase your home’s resale value.

When Is The Right Time To Get Mortar Tuckpointed?

If you start to see cracks along your mortar, you may want to get it inspected. There is a simple test you can do to tell how structurally sound your mortar is. Run a key along the mortar and see if any powder comes up. If the mortar is still in good condition, a key will not be strong enough to flake it off. If there is powder visible, you can contact Brickworks Property Restoration in Michigan for a free quote for tuckpointing.

Can I Do The Tuckpointing Myself?

Tuckpointing is a specialized process that takes extensive training to get right. We fully support homeowners who like to be hands on, but this is a task that is best left up to the professionals. You have to be careful about how you approach this process so you do not damage the brick or remove too much of the existing mortar. If you go about it the wrong way, you could have a much larger repair bill on your hands.

What Happens If I Don’t Tuckpoint?

If you choose not to get tuckpointing, moisture will start to get trapped around your bricks. This will create damage on the bricks themselves and create a bigger problem to repair. When tuckpointing is done correctly, it creates a moisture shield that protects the bricks and your home as a whole. This is yet another reason why it’s important to trust the pros, so you can get professional-grade mortar to protect your exterior siding.

Contact Brickworks Property Restoration to learn more about our tuckpointing services in Michigan.

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